By rich
October 18, 2019
So you're looking to buy a new board? With so many brands out there all selling different shapes, sizes, inflatable, solid and it can be a bit of headache trying to find what will work for you not just now but in the long run. First thing to do is grab one of the magazines which deal with the sup scene within the Uk either Sup Mag uk or Sup International , as both of these mags do reviews of every top brand so you can get a feel for what these professionals think of each board. Usually back issues are free to download online so no money wasted there. Once you have found a couple of brands that you like the look of, you can then dive into there website and see what collection they have to offer. If you know what direction ( touring, racing, surfing, leisure, yoga, all-round or downwind) you want to head in, then you will be able to see if they offer a range that would be suited to you. If this is a first purchase then why not give the brand a call. If you can get hold of the brand directly then you have the best chance of getting 100% of the facts rather than a salesman like pitch based on budget and stock. If possible then 100% ask them to demo a board, some brands will have a collection of demo boards as this is an important part of buying a board. Although you may have a rough idea of what board you think will be good for you based on size and literage it doesn't necessarily mean that the shaping of the board or build will be the same as other brands with similar literage so testing them out for yourself will save you so much frustration, time and money in the long run. Hope this has helped and if you would ever like to chat more or test out a board then comment below or give us a shout as we are here to help you make the most of your water time. ' Would you buy a car without driving it? ' Mahalo